The Executive Committee is composed of the officers of the Association (the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer) as well as the chairpersons of the IASWG committees: Chair of Chapter Development, Chair of Commission on Group Work in Social Work Education, Chair of Membership, Chair of Symposium Committee, Chair of Marketing Committee, Chair of Practice Committee, Chair of International Issues, Chair of Nominations and Elections Committee, Chair of Language Access and Chair of Global Student Symposium Participation. The President may appoint other individuals when particular expertise or knowledge of the organization is required. The Committee shall act on behalf of the Board on routine matters between Board meetings or when time or urgency of an issue does not allow waiting until the next full Board meeting or calling a special meeting. The Committee shall make a full report at the next meeting of the Board regarding any actions taken in the interim since the last Board meeting. The Committee shall be chaired by the President of the Association or in that person's absence, by the Vice-President.