Membership CommitteeThe Membership Committee (Co-Chairs: Sam Benbow & Georgianna Dolan-Reilly) is responsible for developing new and innovative ways to attract new members as well as retain current membership. Committee members include: Samuel R. Benbow, Kelsey Tevik, Elisa Gores, Georgianna Dolan-Reilly, Shirley Simon, Barb Muskat. The Membership Committee is in need of a few more members to help plan programs and activities to stay connected with our IASWG members, support other IASWG committee efforts, as well as recruit new members and organizations. If interested in joining this committee, please contact Sam Benbow at: [email protected]. For 2025, the IASWG Membership Committee invites you to join us in our work connecting the members of our great organization. We plan to meet monthly for an hour on the second Thursday of the month at 4pm ET, starting January 9th. Please email us if you are interested in joining or have any questions about our committee! Please contact [email protected] for more details.
Current and recent initiatives of the Membership Committee include: New Member Monthly Networking Hour, outreach to existing members for annual renewals, planning for bi-annual electronic newsletter, and involvement in symposium planning.
2025 Meeting Dates:
Join here:
Meeting ID: 919 3363 8013