Special Issue: The Creative Practitioner: An Introduction to Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy
The journal is inviting articles about the use of psychodrama, sociometry, and group psychotherapy. Conceived and developed by Jacob L. Moreno, psychodrama employs guided dramatic action to examine problems or issues raised by an individual or a group.
Using experiential methods, sociometry, role theory, and group dynamics, psychodrama facilitates insight, personal growth, and integration on cognitive, affective, and behavioral levels. It clarifies issues, increases physical and emotional wellbeing and enhances learning and develops new skills. Most importantly, Moreno believed psychodrama could give voice to vulnerable and marginalized populations.
We welcome manuscripts that illustrate the use of psychodramatic methods in practice with groups in the fields of health, mental health, chemical dependency, child welfare, youth development and more; including manuscripts that demonstrate the use of the psychodrama in organizational development, team building, staff training and board development; as well as in community organization, social justice, and neighborhood-based initiatives.
Manuscripts must blend theory and practice, wherever possible referencing the social work with groups literature, with vivid illustrations that bring practice to life for readers by presenting the interaction in the group, among group members and between group workers and group members. Authors should explicitly identify implications for practice it relates to direct service, program design, education, research, training, continuing education, and so forth.
Please note that all submissions should be between 15 and 20 double-spaced pages, inclusive of references, tables and artwork; with 12-point font and one-inch margins all around. Please review “Instructions for Authors” for further details regarding the preparation of manuscripts. Submissions must conform to Social Work with Groups submission guidelines that appear in the Journal or at Taylor and Francis website/site address:
Please note: Do not submit articles for this special issue of the Journal through the ScholarOne system, rather send them directly via email, as instructed, to the guest editor(s).
Manuscripts should have been received by the Guest Editor by December 15, 2019.
Please email manuscripts and address questions about potential manuscripts to: Sari Skolnik at
We look forward to hearing from you!
Guest Editors, Louise Lipman & Sari Skolnik