SOCIAL WORK WITH GROUPS - CALL FOR PAPERS, SPECIAL ISSUECollaboration in Social Work with Groups: Implications for Clients, Practitioners, Administrators and StudentsGuest Editor: Mary BitelCollaboration in social group work is a given – or is it? When we speak of collaboration in group work practice what do we actually mean? Political, social, and cultural divisiveness on a global scale increasingly hampers our ability to work together on collective problem exploration with collaborative spirit and good will. Given the obstacles that many practitioners face in building truly collaborative processes with clients, co-workers, and institutional structures, how can we develop practices and working relationships that reflect a collaborative approach to social work with groups? This special issue of the journal aims to highlight examples of collaborative practice, issues of definition, challenges to collaboration, and expanding our understanding of the role that collaboration can play in social group work practice. Suggested areas for articles include (but are not limited to):
The expectation of all included articles is that they address implications for practice, including direct service, organizational structures, research, and social work education. Submissions must conform to Social Work with Groups submission guidelines that appear in the Journal or at Taylor and Francis website.
Please submit your article as an email attachment by July 31, 2023 directly to: Dr. Mary Bitel[email protected] New York University Tisch School of the Arts 719 Broadway, Room 1214 New York, NY 10003 |