Virtual Symposium Presentations 

Please scroll down to view symposium presentation descriptions or download our printable session schedule. Most presentations will be recorded and available for registered attendees to view after the symposium. Please email Emily at [email protected] with any questions.

View Pre-Symposium Institute offerings on Tuesday, June 6th and Wednesday, June 7th

Thursday June 8, 2023

(EN>ES>FR) Welcome Gathering - Thursday, 8:30am to 9:00am ET

The opening reception of the 2023 IASWG Symposium will include a welcome from IASWG President Barbara Muskat and an overview of the symposium events.

(EN>ES>FR) The Sumner Gill Memorial Plenary - Thursday, 9:00am to 10:30am ET

Origins of Social Group Work: Local Stories from Around the World  CE-eligible Presentation
Lorrie Greenhouse Gardella, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT (USA)
Meryl Nadel, Iona College, New Rochelle, NY (USA)
Sue Scher, Ramapo College of New Jersey, Mahwah, NY (USA)
Klaus-Martin Ellerbrock, IASWG German Chapter, Cologne (Germany)
Priya Rajput, Central University of Rajasthan, Rajasthan (India)
Jagdish Jadhav, Central University of Rajasthan, Rajasthan (India)
Drawing from a special issue of Social Work with Groups, this panel presentation will explore the unifying threads that have run through social group work in different places and times. Case studies from the U.S., Germany, and India will consider the emergence of social group work in U.S. settlement houses and summer camps in the early 20th century; the cultural impact of a group for older Syrian refugees who fled to Germany in 2015; and Indigenous group work practices among the Bakarwal pastoral nomads of Jammu and Kashmir, India. Participants will discuss implications for social work with groups today and in the future.

Session 1 // 30-minute Presentations - Thursday, 10:45am to 11:15am ET

1 Thursday, 10:45AM - 11:15AM ET

A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Supervision of Supervision Groups in Field Education
Galit Harel, Ashkelon Academic College, Ashkelon (Israel)
Supervision has been described in the literature as a central component of clinical training and professional development. This paper describes two supervision groups of supervisor-interns undergoing training as supervisors, based on psychoanalytic supervisory principles, within the academic setting of a school of social work. It emphasizes the importance of reflective and containment space for the learning and development processes of supervisor-interns.

2 Thursday, 10:45AM - 11:15AM ET

Experiential Group Work with Inmates in Prison X
Gedas Malinauskas, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (Lithuania)
The presentation will discuss the practical experience of experiential group work with inmates in Prison X. The goal of the group was to help prisoners learn general communication skills. Using an experiential approach, inmates displayed less of their usual violent communication. This presentation will share more about the group, activities utilized, and recommendations for helping inmates in a group setting.

3 Thursday, 10:45AM - 11:15AM ET

Addressing the Psychosocial Needs of Patients in Rehabilitation Setting With Support Groups
Jacqui Dunn, University of Pretoria, Johannesburg (South Africa)
Audrey Katsidzira, Private Practice, Johannesburg (South Africa)

Patients who are admitted to in-patient physical rehabilitation facilities are recovering from neurological conditions, chronic illnesses, amputations, spinal cord injuries and orthopaedic injuries. These conditions have an impact on the patient’s level of functioning. Group therapy is effective in assisting with adjustment to limitations in their level of functioning. This presentation will present on psychosocial group work programme based in a private in-patient facility in South Africa.

4 Thursday, 10:45AM - 11:15AM ET

The Groupoly: The Group Work Monopoly (TRAINING TRACK)
Andres Astray, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid (Spain)
Linda Ducca Cisneros, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid (Spain)
Juan Brea Iglesias, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid (Spain)
Iria de la Osa Subtil, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid (Spain)

Renata Nunes Portela, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid (Spain)
Melisa Campana, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid (Spain)
David Alonso González, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid (Spain)
We will present a mock-up of a board game, "The Groupoly", inspired by the traditional game of Monopoly, which aims to improve our students' competences in group participation and facilitation. The game was designed to be used in the subjects of Social Work with Groups taught at the Complutense University of Madrid, but it is easily adaptable and transferable to any undergraduate course that aims to improve the skills of future professionals in social intervention to participate and facilitate both task and treatment groups.

5 Thursday, 10:45AM - 11:15AM ET

Staying Connected: A Comprehensive Online Group Work Program for Those Facing Gynecological and Ovarian Cancer
Nancy Cincotta, Psychosocial Consultant, New York, New York, NY (USA)
Tracy Moore, Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance, New York, NY (USA)

This online group model began in 2020 with one group for individuals facing gynecological and ovarian cancer. Connecting nationally fostered a sense of calm in an otherwise chaotic world of cancer and covid. Staying Connected now includes nine initiatives, consisting of six unique groups weekly and three monthly, which offer an array of programming, including psycho-education, expressive arts, and a book club. Staying Connected now runs 5 days a week, 12 months a year.

6 Thursday, 10:45AM - 11:15AM ET

(ES>EN) Dispositivo de abordaje para la población Trans y Travesti en conflicto con la ley penal. Aportes desde el Trabajo Social
Paola Quiroga, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
El presente reúne las principales características del “Dispositivo de abordaje para la población Trans y Travesti en conflicto con la ley penal. Aportes desde el Trabajo Social” de la Asociación Civil La Rosa Naranja, a partir de la particular situación de vulnerabilidad, estigmatización y discriminación en la que se encuentran las mujeres trans y travestis, así como del proceso de criminalización y selectividad penal al que se ven expuestas por su condición de género.

7 Thursday, 10:45AM - 11:15AM ET

Community Rhino Conservation Initiative: A Radical Shift in Attitudes and Business Models for Community-based Conservation
Paul Johnson, University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME (USA)
Hannah Tranter, IMVELO Safari Lodges, Bloemfontein (Zimbabwe)

Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe is home to over 200,000 elephants, making it an elephant hotspot and far exceeding the Park’s capacity of 15,000 animals. As a result, the communal land bordering the Park is burdened with human-wildlife conflicts as elephants, lions, hyenas, and wild dogs routinely spill over into neighboring villages. Consequently, local people’s attitudes towards wildlife are predominantly negative. Through the Community Rhino Conservation Initiative (CRCI), there has been a change in perspectives among local people. This presentation discusses the CRCI's positive impact on the local community, tourism, and conservation, and shows how conservation and tourism can mutually benefit each other.

8 Thursday, 10:45AM - 11:15AM ET
Strengthening Social Capital of College Students at a Minority Serving Institution through Peer-led Support Groups (MUTUAL AID TRACK)
Victoria Gray, Florida International University, Miami, FL (USA)
Tara Alfie, Florida International University, Miami, FL (USA)

This session will describe how peer-led support groups can increase social capital of college students at a minority serving institution. Attendees will be invited to engage in case discussions and brief activities to explore social capital techniques of bonding, bridging, and linking which can be applied to their own group settings.


Session 2 // 30-minute Presentations - Thursday, 11:30am to 12:00pm ET 

1 Thursday, 11:30AM - 12:00PM ET

(ES>EN) Trabajar con grupos en los servicios sociales de atención primaria (Alicante-España). Una guía metodológica (TRAINING TRACK)
Yolanda Domenech-López, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante (Spain)
Victor Giménez-Bertomeu, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante (Spain)

En el marco del Laboratorio de Servicios Sociales de Alicante, creado mediante convenio marco entre el Ayuntamiento de Alicante, la Vicepresidència i conselleria de d’igualtat y polítiques inclusives (Generalitat Valenciana) y la Universidad de Alicante (Grupo de investigación sobre Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales), se presenta La guía metodológica de Trabajo en Grupo dirigida a profesionales de la intervención de los Servicios Sociales de Atención Primaria (entidad local) en la provincia de Alicante (España).

2 Thursday, 11:30AM - 12:00PM ET

Exploring the Use of the Arts and Aesthetics in Social Work with Groups
Brian Kelly, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
In this session, participants will have the opportunity to learn about the historical and current uses of arts and aesthetics in social work with groups. They will be asked to consider and explore how members of historically marginalized groups used arts and aesthetics to create inclusive spaces. Finally, participants will explore how to use arts and aesthetics to create more inclusive group work practice.

3 Thursday, 11:30AM - 12:00PM ET

Teaching Effective Report Writing and Documentation for Group Work Practice 
Marie (M.J.) Ubbink, North-West University, Potchefstroom (South Africa)
Contemporary group work practice in South Africa is being done with different cultures in a variety of settings. An important skills for undergraduate students to develop is effective reporting writing for group work. This presentation will discuss how North-West University has develop guidelines and taught undergraduate students how to report and document for group work practice and its implication to learning. This presentation also seeks to gather opinions about reporting and documentation for different group work practice reports from participants.

4 Thursday, 11:30AM - 12:00PM ET

Building a Collaborative International Research Group of Intimate Partner Violence Scholars and Practitioners (MUTUAL AID TRACK)
Sarah Tarshis, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON (Canada)
Stephanie Baird, King's University College, London, ON (Canada)
Jennifer McQuaid, Williams College, Williamstown, MA (USA)
Mariama Diallo, Montclair University, New York, NY (USA)

This presentation describes how international intimate partner violence (IPV) scholars and practitioners came together to create a research group that created an innovative study that utilizes technology to better understand trauma-informed practice. The group is made up of three social work educators and practitioners and one psychologist and educator. Drawing from mutual aid, intersectionality, and trauma-theory, this presentation describes how the group process aided in creating an innovated research study for group members.

5 Thursday, 11:30AM - 12:00PM ET

A Suicide Bereavement Support Group: Supporting Individuals and Communities Experiencing Suicide Loss
Willa Casstevens, Buena Vista University, Storm Lake, IA (USA)
This presentation describes the case example of a suicide bereavement support group that began January 2023 in a small rural community in the American Midwest. The unique challenges faced by suicide loss survivors, and lessons learned in preparing for an open support group focused on suicide loss, will be discussed. Participants will be invited to think-pair-share about how this topic might apply to home communities, and how communities can better support individuals experiencing suicide loss.

6 Thursday, 11:30AM - 12:00PM ET

(EN>ES) Stronger Together: A Women’s Empowerment Group
Darian Constantine, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ (USA)
Jenna Basto, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ (USA)
Grace Krall, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ (USA)
Brooke Murphy, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ (USA)

As a randomly selected group within an undergraduate social group work class related to the anxieties and realities of being a woman in the United States. Anxieties were also heightened due to women’s and reproductive rights being threatened by the US Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Through participation in the group, students were able to share their experiences, relate to similar hardships, and be motivated to make change. This presentation will be facilitated by members of the group to share their experience, the power of group work, and how this type of group can be implemented by others. 

7 Thursday, 11:30AM - 12:00PM ET

(LIT>EN) Kaip prisijaukinti nepažįstamus darbo metodus ir motyvuoti save taikyti juos savo darbo praktikoje?Ar buvimas grupėje ir aktyvus dalyvavimas išbandant juos, gali padėti tai įveikti?
Zaneta Serksniene, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (Lithuania)
Lina Bartuseviciene, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (Lithuania)

Pranešimo metu bus pristatomas grupinio darbo su vaikais metodas, kuris skirtas 8-12 metų vaikams, kurių tėvai serga priklausomybės ligomis. Pristatymo metu dalyviai sužinos su kokiais sunkumais ir iššūkiais gali susidurti dirbdami su grupe perduodant naujus, interaktyvius darbo metodus. Dalyviai bus kviečiami pasidalinti įžvalgomis, kaip pranešimo metu pristatyta patirtis ir išbandyti metodai (asociatyvinės kortelės, gyvūnų asociacijos, orų kortelės, Benzino kolonėlė, grįžtamasis ryšys ir kt.) galėtų būti pritaikomi jų darbe su grupėmis.

8 Thursday, 11:30AM - 12:00PM ET

Empowering Students and Older Adults through a Mentorship-Centered Interprofessional Experiential Learning
Grisel Rodriguez-Morales, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL (USA)
This session will provide an overview of an experiential group-based interprofessional education program implemented through Rush University in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Through this program, a group of interprofessional students are paired with a community health mentor from the community, who teaches the students about the social determinants of health and aging while also allowing the students to practice interprofessional and patient-centered care. The presentation will include an overview of the program, testimonials, and experiential activities.

9 Thursday, 11:30AM - 12:00PM ET

(EN>FR) Project Ensemble: Building a Community of Seniors Through Technology and Mutual Aid Groups (MUTUAL AID TRACK)
Onat Ekinci, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, QC (Canada)
The “Project Ensemble" was born of a collective action in the South-West of Montreal, Canada aiming to break the isolation of seniors and secondary healthcare risks by creating mutual aid groups during the pandemic. Challenges of using technology with seniors will be presented. This presentation also introduce organizational issues concerning volunteers, documentation, and communications with community centers.


(EN>ES>FR) Poster Presentations - Thursday, 12:00pm to 1:30pm ET

An Urban Campus’s Resource Pantry Journey between Social Work Students, Faculty, and Community Partners
Brie Radis, West Chester University, West Chester, PA (USA)
Melanie Hagerty-Griffin, West Chester University, West Chester, PA (USA)
Ryan Scott, West Chester University, West Chester, PA (USA)
Food and/or resource insecurity is a growing problem for many undergraduate and graduate students. Food insecurity can have many effects on people, including major health concerns, lowered performance at school or work, higher levels of stress, and mental health or sleep concerns. This presentation will focus on the steps one campus took as a team of students, faculty, staff, and community partners worked together to create a fully functioning resource pantry on an urban campus.

El aprendizaje de las competencias teórico-practicas del trabajo con grupos mediante la simulación reflexiva en los estudios de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Barcelona (TRAINING TRACK)
Belén Parra, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
Ariadna Munté, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
Judit Castro Dìez, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
Mercedes Cuenca, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
Se expone la integración de los conceptos teóricos sobre la compresión de los grupos y sobre el trabajo en grupo, desde una perspectiva de proceso y de las funciones que la trabajadora social de grupo lleva a cabo en cada una de las etapas de la vida del grupo, mediante un abordaje pedagógico que utiliza la metodología docente de la simulación en la UB

El Trabajo Social con grupos desde una perspectiva cultural, de género y no edatista
Mercedes Cuenca, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
Belén Parra, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
El póster presenta una práctica desarrollada durante un año con un grupo cultural, generacional y sexualmente diverso cuyos miembros enfrentaban diversas dificultades para acceder a un empleo. La experiencia pone de relieve el poder del Trabajo Social con grupos a la hora de transformar las capacidades personales y los vínculos sociales, generando un cambio positivo que perdura a lo largo del tiempo.

Accompagnement des familles ayant un enfant avec des problèmes liés à la santé mentale : l’apport des modèles hybrides utilisés lors de l’intervention de groupe
Penelopia Iancu, Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB (Canada)
Isabel Lanteigne, Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB (Canada)
Nous présentons ici des résultats d’une étude qualitative visant à comprendre l’expérience des parents avec les services reçus pour leur enfant ayant des problèmes de santé mentale. Lors de cette recherche, des entretiens semi-directifs ont été effectués avec des parents quant à la trajectoire d’accompagnement au sein du système de soins au Nouveau-Brunswick (Canada). Ces résultats invitent à réfléchir sur les groupes hybrides pouvant favoriser la solidarité entre les familles, les intervenants et les communautés.

Group Work in Mindfulness-Based Interventions with Marginalized Youth
Samaneh Abedini Najafabadi, Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON (Canada)
This presentation will explore the benefits of two Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBIs), MBCT-C and HAP, for marginalized Middle Eastern youth. Both programs were delivered in a group. MBCT-C emphasizes personal development through shared experiences, while HAP focuses on anti-oppressive and feminist approaches. Through examples of activities and quotes from youth participants, attendees will learn how these MBIs improve emotion regulation and resilience, and have the opportunity to engage in a mindfulness activity themselves.

Exploring the Feasibility, Suitability, and Benefits of an Arts-Based Mindfulness Intervention for Adolescent Mothers
Vivian Oystrick, Laurentian University, Greater Sudbury, ON (Canada)
This presentation will discuss a qualitative research study exploring the positive benefits of an arts-based mindfulness group intervention for adolescent mothers. Thematic analysis led to the development of themes relating to connections with others, new ways of coping, and improved awareness. Finding suggest arts-based mindfulness methods are an engaging and beneficial way to help adolescent mothers develop supportive relationships, positive coping strategies, and improved awareness.

The Benefits of Social Work Student Participation in Group Work Practicum (TRAINING TRACK)
Mariëtte Joubert, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, Free State (South Africa)
This presentation outlines an evaluation study completed with University of the Free State Social Work students to evaluate first- and second-year social work students’ experience of being participants in groups presented by third-year social work students. Results indicated positive experiences for the junior social work students as they gained life skills and ultimately, it contributed to there professional development as future social workers.

The Care Cafe: Implementing Models of Social Work Practice with Groups
Kimberly Moore, Yeshiva University, New York, NY (USA)
Yvette Fort, Yeshiva University, New York, NY (USA)
This poster presentation will highlight the services provided through a community-based model of connecting health promotion topic experts into easily accessible community-based settings.

An Empowerment and Support Group for Transgender Youth Living in Iowa
Zoa Glab, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
This poster describes an empowerment and support group for transgender youth living in Iowa, where recently gender-affirming care was banned. The group will be open and conducted virtually and will draw on models of empowerment and mutual aid. The group will incorporate the sharing of lived experience between members of the transgender community. This poster aims to provide a model for group work with transgender people living in environments that are actively harmful to them.


Session 3 // 60-minute Presentations - Thursday, 1:45pm to 2:45pm ET 

1 Thursday, 1:45PM - 2:45PM ET

Increasing Parents' Voices in Child Safety Meetings Through the Enhanced Role of Parent Advocates CE-eligible Presentation
Lorna Moodie-Jones, NYC Administration for Children's Services, New York, NY (USA)
Vanassa Bishop, NYC Administration for Children's Services, New York, NY (USA)
Marina Lalayants, CUNY Hunter, New York, NY (USA)

Michael Arsham, NYC Administration for Children's Services, New York, NY (USA)
It is not enough to invite parents and youths to the child safety meetings if power is not shared and their voices are stifled. NYC's Administration for Children's Services in New York, USA will present findings from a pilot project demonstrating how using Parent Advocates and Private Family Time can better elevate parent's voices and create an overall greater awareness of safety concerns and increased sharing of power in decision-making processes. This presentation will discuss the multiple beneficial functions and positive impacts on families using these new approaches.

2 Thursday, 1:45PM - 2:45PM ET
Improvisational Theatre for People with Parkinson's Disease and Care Partners CE-eligible Presentation
Margot Escott, Private Practice, Naples, FL (USA)
Parkinson's Disease (PD) is the fastest growing neurological disease in the world with 90,000 new cases reported annually. PD is often characterized by physical problems such as facial rigidity and gait impairment in addition to the onset of anxiety and depression. Improv exercises can directly related to helping these issues, along with improving cognitive and communication abilities. This presentation will explain more about Parkinson's Disease and the positive impact of using improvisational exercises in groups to support the treatment of individual with PD.

3 Thursday, 1:45PM - 2:45PM ET

The Power of Dream Groups to Build Connection and Transform Our Lives CE-eligible Presentation
Linda Schiller, Private Practice, Watertown, MA (USA)
Engaging in conversations about dreams with others is a wonderful way to form connections, establish mutual aid, and get recalcitrant group members to engage in discussion. Even teens, who "don't want to be there" can get hooked through the back door of dreamwork. Everyone wants to talk about their dreams! In this session, we will share specific skills for forming and engaging in a dream circle, and do some dreamwork together.

4 Thursday, 1:45PM - 2:45PM ET
The Importance of Groups in Inpatient and Outpatient Rehabilitation CE-eligible Presentation
Pamela Singer, Rusk Ambulatory Care Center, New York, NY (USA)
This presentation will elucidate how groups enhance and augment both inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation settings. Highlighting two outpatient groups, a Young Stroke Survivor Support Group and a Young Traumatic Brain Injury/Concussion Support Group, the presenter will explain how to start and maintain a group as well as how to manage complex dynamics and difficult members. The presenter will provide knowledge from case practice, explain the importance of groups in rehabilitation, and discuss the implications of transitioning this groups from in-person to an online setting.

5 Thursday, 1:45PM - 2:45PM ET

(FR>ES>EN) L’intervention de groupe pour favoriser l’inclusion sociale des aîné.es dans un contexte de diversité ethnoculturelle. Stratégies d’accompagnement, et d’intervention
Marie-Emmanuelle Laquerre, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, QC (Canada)
Sylvie Gascon, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, QC (Canada)

Cette session présente un guide d’activités conçu pour les intervenants qui sont intéressés à développer une approche d’intervention et d’animation adaptée à des groupes d’aînés provenant de différentes origines ethnoculturelles. L’approche interculturelle ici privilégiée sera présentée comme une façon d’intervenir qui favorise l’inclusion et le vivre ensemble. Une approche réflexive ainsi que des mises en situation permettront aux participants de voir comment adapter des activités et des animations de groupe à la diversité ethnoculturelle.

6 Thursday, 1:45PM - 2:45PM ET
Challenging Traditional Paradigms: Participatory Action Research and Youth Participatory Action Research in the "New Normal" (RESEARCH TRACK) CE-eligible Presentation
Jennie Ann Cole, East Carolina University, Raleigh, NC (USA)
Erum Agha, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC (USA)

Conducting PAR during COVID19 with an extremely vulnerable population shifted the way we think about research and social work. During this presentation attendees will challenge definitions of the research modalities used in PAR. This presentation will engage participants with a case study and as a group develop a journey map after a facilitated listening session.

7 Thursday, 1:45PM - 2:45PM ET

Using The Window of Tolerance to Manage White Fragility CE-eligible Presentation
Robin Schlenger, Private Practice, New York, NY (USA)
Victoria Dexter, Safe Horizon, Brooklyn, NY (USA)

This presentation introduces participants to the concept of window of tolerance for white people The window of tolerance was developed by Dr. Dan Siegel in the context of trauma. The presenters do not view white fragility as trauma but rather as a skill deficit that can be addressed with this framework. Attendees will learn to use the window of tolerance concept to engage in more regulated and less harmful, interactions with People of Color.

8 Thursday, 1:45PM - 2:45PM ET
Building on a Legacy while Supporting Change at a Jewish University CE-eligible Presentation
Joyce Roberson-Steele, Yeshiva University, New York, NY (USA)
Annette Clarke Jones, Yeshiva University, New York, NY (USA)
Chantee Parris-Strigle, Yeshiva University, New York, NY (USA)
Michelle Desir, Yeshiva University, New York, NY (USA)
Allysha Bryant, Yeshiva University, New York, NY (USA)

Although anti-racism, diversity, equity and inclusion have been part of the NASW Standards since 1952, schools of social work are now actively working to ensure professional associations and their own programs are actively meeting these Standards. This presentation will explain the development and impact of an Anti-Racist Coalition (ARC) by Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) students at Yeshiva University, New York, USA. Results of the coalition included greater sense of connection and collective action to ensure that BIPOC professionalism within social work is used a resource within course development and practices. Participants will learn how to create a coalition and to have a direct connection with faculty to inform social justice change.


Session 4 // 60-minute Presentations - Thursday, 3:00pm to 4:00pm ET 

1 Thursday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM ET

How to Transform Any Group in the Helping Field into a Social Work Group CE-eligible Presentation
Joanne Sulman, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON (Canada)
Ann Bergart, Private Practice, Chicago, IL (USA)
Tee R. Tyler, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX (USA)
Shelita Birchett-Benash, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY (USA)
Julie Rhoten, Stanford Settlement Neighborhood Center, Sacramento, CA (USA)
Denise Lawlor, Private Practice, St. John's, NF (Canada)

Unlike the broader field of groups, social groupwork exemplifies a democratic, non-hierarchical, social justice, strengths-based practice that creates community in every group – using mutual aid and purposeful activity. This presentation will share more of the history of social groupwork and four essential skills that can transform any group in the helping field into a social work group.

2 Thursday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM ET
Strategies for Effective Beginnings and Endings in Task and Treatment Groups CE-eligible Presentation
Jennifer Currin-McCulloch, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO (USA)
Shirley Simon, Loyola University, Chicago, IL (USA)

This interactive workshop focuses on best practices in facilitating the beginning and ending phases of groups. It reviews strategies for both task and treatment groups, open and closed membership groups, sessional beginnings and endings, and groups for diverse populations and settings. The session addresses both in-person and virtual groups and identifies strategies for evaluating the impact of the group. 

3 Thursday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM ET
Transforming Educational Experiences: Social Work Students and Group Chats (TRAINING TRACK) CE-eligible Presentation
Carolyn Daniels, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL (USA)
Todd Tedrow, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL (USA)
Deborah Chanan, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL (USA)
Jeffrey Steen, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL (USA)
This presentation examines recent qualitative research themes that emerged from focus groups exploring social work students' experiences of school-based group chats. Unsupervised student group discussions change classroom dynamics. The presentation encourages presentation participants to dialogue and engage in experiential learning about online group chats' pros and cons, group dynamics, Irving Yalom's group therapeutic factors, optimal pedagogical approaches, and how group chat culture transforms the classroom.

4 Thursday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM ET
Transformative Online Groupwork (RESERACH TRACK)
Andrew King, Relationships Australia NSW, Fairy Meadow, NSW (Australia)
Janine Westman, Relationships Australia NSW, New South Wales (Australia)

Throughout 2020-2021, most social service organisations switched to providing their core business through some form of online group work facilitation. Throughout covid, Relationships Australia NSW (RANSW), a large not-for-profit relationship counselling organisation in New South Wales, Australia, facilitated 200 group programs annually and found that effective group discussion based online groups mirrored the outcomes achieved by in-person groupwork. This presentation explores and demonstrates a variety of online group processes that enable online groups to achieve the same outcomes as in-person groupwork.

5 Thursday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM ET
Creative Ways to Keep Kids Engaged: Teaching Emotional Development and Assertive Language Skills Online to Children and Parents in High Conflict Separation or Divorce CE-eligible Presentation
Albert Schafer, Private Practice, San Diego, CA (USA)
Improvisation group games teach emotional management that is helpful for children and co-parents in high conflict divorces. This interactive, fun workshop will teach emotional development by use of an emoji game. The emoji game dovetails teaching assertive communication with “I feel” notes written by children and given to parents. Increased self-esteem, creativity, communication with decreased anxiety. The information will teach you what to do, but playing the games teaches you how to do it.

6 Thursday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM ET
Colors of Trans Expression: A Trauma-Informed Group Intervention Using Expressive Arts and Mindful Self-Compassion for Transgender and Nonbinary Individuals CE-eligible Presentation
Heidi Heft LaPorte, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL (USA)
Ashley Austin, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL (USA)
Poa Mutino, Private Practice, Montpelier, VT (USA)

Transgender and nonbinary individuals (TNB) face unique stressors impacting their mental and behavioral health. Gender dysphoria is one such stressor, but gender affirmation can promote their wellbeing. There is a lack of trauma-informed group interventions that cultivate gender-affirming experiences. "Colors of Trans Expression" is a virtual support group addressing this gap using mindful self-compassion and expressive arts exercises. The intervention creates a safe space for TNB individuals and promotes trauma recovery, healing, and overall wellbeing.

7 Thursday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM ET
CANCELLED - (FR>ES>EN) Mon deuil, mon histoire : une approche de groupe novatrice qui met en lumière l’unicité, la complicité et la réciprocité
Eve Bélanger, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Rimouski, QC (Canada)
Cindy Laflamme, CAVAC, Rimouski, QC (Canada)

Cette communication souhaite présenter le groupe de soutien Mon deuil, mon histoire, une initiative de la Maison de soins palliatifs Marie-Élisabeth de Rimouski. Des approches créatives, innovatrices et coconstruites avec les ont été mises en place pour leur donner une voix. Cette expérience porteuse et transformatrice sera partagée en mettant en lumière les activités développées, les constats réalisés, cela en s’inspirant de la parole des aux différents groupes.


Friday June 9, 2023

Session 5 // 60-minute Presentations - Friday, 8:00am to 9:00am ET 

1 Friday, 8:00AM - 9:00AM ET

Waka tētē: A transformational Learning Experience for Students CE-eligible Presentation
Donna Guy, Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, Rotorua (New Zealand)
Following on from last years’ introduction to Waka tētē, this presentation will provide an analysis of student evaluations. Waka tētē is a group work experience in a traditional Māori canoe. Students are immersed in an approach which prioritizes Māori culture as the dominant discourse. Students (both Māori and non-Māori) revealed transformational perceptions including increased ability to, translate theory to practice, understand the Māori worldview, identify links to social justice and understand the western construct of mutual aid.

2 Friday, 8:00AM - 9:00AM ET
Seeking "Team C": Using Groupwork Principles to Rebuild a Frontline Social Service Team CE-eligible Presentation
Rebecca Hoffman, East Flatbush Safe Haven, Brooklyn, NY (USA)
Michael Ramsbottom, East Flatbush Safe Haven, Brooklyn, NY (USA)

Why shouldn't the providers of social services benefit from the practice wisdom of social group work? This is the story of Team C or "The Cougars," a case management team at East Flatbush Safe Haven, a transitional shelter for unhoused New Yorkers. We will tell what it was like serving clients during the covid pandemic and how we rebuilt our morale even as we were still impacted by the virus sweeping through our workplace.

3 Friday, 8:00AM - 9:00AM ET

(EN>ES) Reflecting on What Feminist Group Work Means CE-eligible Presentation
Avital Kaye Tzadok, Ruppin Academic Center, Emek Hefer, D.N Emek Hefer (Israel)
Feminist group work may offer an interesting outlook regarding group work. Such an outlook explores the power relations in the group, as a possible reflection of the power relations outside of the group and attempts to challenge them in various ways. Looking at both theory and practice, the presentation will attempt to unravel what Feminist group work may look like, as well as the possible dilemmas which arise from this type of work.

5 Friday, 8:00AM - 9:00AM ET

Towards a Holistic Social Work with Groups: Synthesis, Diffusion, Mechanics with Analysis CE-eligible Presentation
Victor Hainsworth, Private Practice, Atlanta, GA (USA)
Using a contemporary example of a mutual aid group, this paper explains whole creation from synthesis to diffusion. The concrete example of H.R.40, a US Congressional Bill is used as an example of whole creation. A graphic organizer will used as a summary at each stage of the creative process to include the mechanics of Holism, the idea that various systems should be viewed as wholes, not merely as a collection of part, in order to achieve sustainability of the whole.

6 Friday, 8:00AM - 9:00AM ET
The Role of Lobola Negotiators in Dealing with Conflicts within Marriage: An Afrocentric Perspective
Andrew Spaumer, African Countries IASWG Chapter, Tshwane (South Africa)
The relevancy of social work practice is in its ability to address the needs of society within its context. Those using group work should address social ills like gender-based violence and femicide within the context of those affected. Participants have opportunity to learn and discuss the African practice of lobola (bride-price). Professionals using group work as form of intervention stand a chance to remain relevant to the large global community by understanding African-cantered social work.

7 Friday, 8:00AM - 9:00AM ET
Group Dynamics in a Family Task Group: An African Social Work Perspective

Namoonga Chilwalo, University of Namibia, Windhoek, Khomas Region (Namibia)
The presentation is about sharing the unique African experiences of family members in preparing and planning for a memorial service and unveiling of a Tombstone of a loved one. Focus will be placed on the communication and interaction patterns, values and norms, group cohesion. The significance of the presentation is the diversity offered in this group work process as well as the use of auto ethnographic process.

8 Friday, 8:00AM - 9:00AM ET

The Power of Sharing Written Memoirs in a Group CE-eligible Presentation
Ann Bergart, Private Practice, Chicago, IL (USA)
Sharing memoirs is a powerful group experience, whether used as a single activity or as a group’s central focus. The presenter will describe a memoir group she attends, her experience as a member, and ideas about using memoirs in group work. Participants will prepare a brief, nonthreatening memoir and then share it with a small group. After they reflect on their experience, the skills required for facilitating this activity will be identified and discussed.


Session 6 // 60-minute Presentations - Friday, 9:15am to 10:15am ET 

1 Friday, 9:15AM - 10:15AM ET

Building a Community of Support through Groupwork: Implementing Parenting Journey in a Public Child Welfare Agency CE-eligible Presentation
Raquel Charles, Administration for Children's Services, New York, NY (USA)
Parents involved in the child welfare system are often referred to parenting classes. The ACS Workforce Institute's Professional Development Program piloted an initiative to train MSW interns in the Parenting Journey (PJ) model as part of their Practicum/Internship at ACS. ACSWI PDP team lead and the MSW interns will share how they facilitated groups with child welfare involved parents. Participants will learn about the initiative, PJ activities and learn about parents and MSW interns' experiences.

2 Friday, 9:15AM - 10:15AM ET
Group Work with Newly Arrived Afghan Refugee Women: Solution Focused Brief Group Therapy CE-eligible Presentation
Erum Agha, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC (USA)
Taliban’s forceful takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021 created a harsh and devastating situation for its public which remains incompatible with all declarations of human rights. More than a hundred thousand Afghans were airlifted and most of them were brought to the United Stated for resettlement. Mental health services for culturally diverse groups must be adapted for culture, context, content, and methods of delivery. This presentation discusses the methodology of developing a culturally adapted four-session solution focused brief therapy (SFBT) workshop for newly arrived Afghan refugee women in the United States.

3 Friday, 9:15AM - 10:15AM ET
United and Redefined: Findings from Mixed Methods Group Therapy Research with Adolescents who have Sexually Harmed (RESEARCH TRACK) CE-eligible Presentation
Rachael Pascoe, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON (Canada)
Shelley Craig, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON (Canada)

In Canada, 14% of individuals charged with sexual assault are youth under the age of 18 (Conroy & Cotter, 2017). Social work research for adolescents who have sexually harmed has not yet evaluated the utility of group therapy as a method to support behavioural or attitudinal change. This presentation will discuss Unite and Redefine, a group for adolescents who sexually harmed offered online. An introduction to the specialist population of adolescents who have sexually harmed will be discussed, with particular attention to their treatment needs. Practice wisdom and IASWG SPARC-funded research will be shared to provide recommendations for the treatment of adolescents who have sexually harmed and the facilitation of group discussion topics, specifically group cohesion, shame, hegemonic masculinity, and self compassion.

4 Friday, 9:15AM - 10:15AM ET
What Does the Work of Transformation Require of the Social Work Group Practitioner? CE-eligible Presentation
Mark Cameron, Southern Connecticut University, New Haven, CT (USA)
Kathy Pjura, Southern Connecticut University, New Haven, CT (USA)

What is transformative group practice? Truly transformative work may require an experience providing both guidance and opportunities for liberating, disequilibrating reflection on internalized oppression and its "here and now" manifestations. This presentation will invite consideration of these ideas, encourage shared, experiential examination of our practice methods, and discuss ideas about methods that can enable group practice to be both practical as well as empowering in ways that ultimately dovetail with social works' macro practice ideals.

5 Friday, 9:15AM - 10:15AM ET

Racial and Social Justice in Group Work Education Today: A Focus Group Discussion CE-eligible Presentation
Donna McLaughlin, Boston University, Boston, MA (USA)
How do we, as social group work educators, ensure that group work curriculum is comprehensively infused with anti-oppressive theory and practice literature, practice activities, and digital media? How do we build on the ‘classics’ in group work education towards utilizing a racial and social justice lens? This focus group discussion provides an opportunity for participants to share ideas and strategies for the development and implementation of a contemporary, innovative, and inclusive group work course curriculum.

6 Friday, 9:15AM - 10:15AM ET

Understanding Substance Abuse Among Minors: Insights from Inside “Drug Courts”
Thinashe Maswahu, University of Namibia, Windhoek (Namibia)
Substance abuse among minors is a pressing issue in Namibia, with negative societal consequences. To address this issue, schools resort to punitive measures such as suspension or expulsion. However, this approach is not always effective in addressing the underlying causes of substance abuse among minors. The presenter will share her experience of working with a group of minors with substance abuse issues, drawing insights from the perspective of the minors themselves.

7 Friday, 9:15AM - 10:15AM ET

(EN>ES) Exploring an Arts-Based Mindfulness Group Program for Resilience and Well-Being: A Creative Strengths-Based Approach CE-eligible Presentation
Diana Coholic, Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON (Canada)
Researchers studying mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) with young people have reported a variety of benefits including improved awareness, emotion regulation, mood, relationships, social competence, and well-being. Social group workers have a unique contribution to make to the practice and study of MBIs because our approaches are holistic, creative, and strengths-based, and we purposefully use the group to foster learning and change. Participants will learn how to facilitate mindfulness using arts-based activities. Examples from the Holistic Arts-Based Program (HAP) that facilitates mindfulness-based concepts/practices using arts-based methods will be shared. This presentation aims to create change that moves beyond an individual focus as practicing mindfulness encourages us to recognize our interconnections with all life forms, and to act to improve the communities we live in.

8 Friday, 9:15AM - 10:15AM ET

Lessons Learned from Facilitating a Monthly Open Support Group for Dementia Caregivers (MUTUAL AID TRACK) CE-eligible Presentation
Jeaneane Quinn, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL (USA)
Diane Mariani, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL (USA)

This presentation will share replicable and practical strategies for implementing support groups for family caregivers, particularly those providing care for loved ones with memory loss and/or dementia. Group co-facilitators will share best practices from a logistical standpoint, as well as lessons learned from implementation. Participants will engage in exploratory didactic lectures and case studies to engage with the real stories of family caregivers with complex needs and situations.


Session 7 // 30-minute Presentations - Friday, 10:30am to 11:00am ET 

1 Friday, 10:30AM - 11:00AM ET
(FR>ES) Intervention de groupe auprès des personnes vivant avec le VIH: pour une meilleure réintégration dans leur communauté
Frantz Toussaint, UEH/FASCH, Port-au-Prince, Ouest (Haiti)
Dans le cadre de cette présentation nous comptons aborder le vécu des personnes vivant avec le VIH. En effet nous discuterons du parcours de ces gens de l'annonce du diagnostic, des traitements suivis ainsi que de leur réadaptation dans leur communauté.

2 Friday, 10:30AM - 11:00AM ET
Providing Supportive Virtual Group Supervision to Empower Child Welfare Workforce through a University-Community Agency Collaboration
Michelle-Ann Rhoden Neita, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Hui Huang, University of Texas Arlington, Arlington, TX (USA)
Courtney Wilson, Florida International University, Miami, FL (USA)
Turnover among child welfare workers is prevalent and can negatively affect the outcomes of children and families in child welfare. Our project is a university-community agency collaboration to provide group supervision designed and implemented for child welfare interns and agency supervisors. The groups provide training and mutual aid to address stress and perceptions about working in child welfare. The presentation will include key training components, interactive activities, and evaluation tools used in the groups.

3 Friday, 10:30AM - 11:00AM ET
(EN>ES) Elements of Social Group Work Intervention for Men as Perpetrators of Gender-based Violence
Elizabeth Ivy Smit, North West University, Mmabatho (South Africa)
Gender-based violence is a social ill experienced by different cultures and social groups across the globe. Literature shows that the majority of gender-based violence perpetrators are men. This presentation explains social work programme addressing gender-based violence perpetrated by men.

5 Friday, 10:30AM - 11:00AM ET
Trans and Nonbinary Support Group in Rural Vermont
Poa Mutino, Private Practice, Montpelier, VT (USA)
Attendees can expect to learn direct experiences from trans and non binary adults of what a "support group" means to them. The facilitator will offer insights and answer questions about their experience as a participant in 2014-2015 and now as a facilitator in 2022-2023. Participants will engage in a brief pair share/role play and reflect on the vulnerability of telling one's gender identity story.

6 Friday, 10:30AM - 11:00AM ET
Experiential Learning through Student-Directed Self and Collective Care Groups
Stacy Gherardi, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM (USA)
Anna Nelson, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM (USA)
This session will share the presenters’ experiences and success with redesigning a graduate level groupwork course grounded in an experiential learning activity based on principles of social justice, self and collective care. The design process and outcomes from redesigning this course will be described and tools/resources shared. Participants will engage in dialogue around the ways that group experiences can be used to support self and collective care for students across the social work curriculum.

(EN>FR>ES) IASWG Honoree Recognition - Friday, 11:15am to 11:45am ET

Each year the IASWG Board of Directors honors an individual who over their lifetime has made substantial contributions to IASWG and global group work. We look forward to announcing this year’s honoree during the Beulah H. Rothman Plenary.

(EN>FR>ES) The Beulah H. Rothman Plenary - Friday, 11:45am to 12:45pm ET

Deep Listening and Group Work: Tuning into Nondeliberative Practice CE-eligible Presentation
Brian Kelly, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Melissa Ngan, American Composers Orchestra, Algonquin, IL (USA)

This plenary will explore the potentialities of Pauline Oliveros’ practice of Deep Listening and Norma Lang’s theory of nondeliberative group work practice. In considering the two approaches, participants will have an opportunity to practice Deep Listening in small group settings and use these activities to enhance a nondeliberative approach to group work practice. Participants will also learn how activity-centered groups offer important avenues for developing and enhancing group dynamics, including group-centered communication and cohesion.


Session 8 // 30-minute Presentations - Friday, 1:00pm to 1:30pm ET 

1 Friday, 1:00PM - 1:30PM ET

Theorizing a Transformative Model of Diversity in Groups
Melissa Popiel, Wilfrid Laurier University, Kitchener, ON (Canada)
David Este, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB (Canada)
Sarah LaRocque, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB (Canada)
Roshini Pillay, Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg (South Africa)
William Pelech, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB (Canada)
David Nicholas, University of Calgary, Edmonton, AB (Canada)

Christopher Kilmer, University of Calgary, Edmonton, AB (Canada)
Diversity is commonly discussed but little is known about how diversity arises in groups. In this presentation, a theoretical model, called ‘A Dynamic Model of Diversity in Groups,’ will show how diversity has complex and multi-dimensional meanings influenced by personal decisions to reflect an identity of choice, the interpersonal relational environment, and broader socio-political impacts, including power. For group workers, unpacking the implications of diverse intersectional identities in the group becomes a central part of practice.

2 Friday, 1:00PM - 1:30PM ET

This Space is For Us: Exploring the Relevance of Group-based Peer Support for Social Work Practice with Transgender and Gender Diverse People (MUTUAL AID TRACK)
Hannah Kia, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC (Canada)
K Kenney, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC (Canada)
Kinnon Ross MacKinnon, York University, Toronto, ON (Canada)
Peer support in transgender (trans) and gender diverse (TGD) communities is increasingly identified as a buffer against the staggering health inequities affecting these groups. Given that intersectional expressions of stigma and discrimination often underlying the disproportionately poor health outcomes of TGD people, peer support is believed to protect against adverse health by promoting the development of community-based networks of care that mitigate the impacts of intersectional oppression. This presentation discusses the relevance of group-based peer support for social work practice with trans and TGD people. Drawing on a qualitative study involving virtual semi-structured interviews with 35 participants regarding their experiences of peer support, the presenters will highlight experiences of group-based support that surfaced in participants’ narratives, and considers implications for social work practice, particularly at the level of group work.

4 Friday, 1:00PM - 1:30PM ET

Utilizing Intersectionality to Explore the Association between Hypertension, Mental Health, Race, and Gender
Denise Dawson, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT (USA)
There is a pressing need to better understand how social identities affect health inequalities in people with hypertension and anxiety in the United States. This research examines the association between hypertension and anxiety using an intersectionality framework and literature review discussion. An intersectionality perspective illuminates how disadvantage social identities can significantly impact the health status of certain groups (Shields, 2008). Investigating health disparities through the lenses of intersectionality provides a theoretical framework to better equality.

5 Friday, 1:00PM - 1:30PM ET

(EN>ES) Holding You: Creating a Virtual Community for Isolated and Grieving Students Using Expressive Practices
Michal Sela-Amit, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA (USA)
The pandemic created a harsh reality for all, including our social work students, many of whom were isolated in their homes or moving back in with family. Furthermore, some students experienced considerable worry related to family members who were first responders, while others experienced prolonged illnesses and losses of family members. This presentation describes the use of expressive practices in a virtual groupwork setting to assist isolated and grieving students by creating community. Theory and principles of the use of expressive practices in social work, and specifically on a virtual platform, will be explained and exemplified. Specifically, examples of employing drama and arts centered activities will be shared and practiced. A discussion of the model and its applications will be held, and handouts will be provided.

6 Friday, 1:00PM - 1:30PM ET

Holistic Disaster Response: Group Work Strategies that Foster Recovery, Resiliency and Healing for Community, Families, Individuals, and Responders
Kathleen Walsh, Millersville University, Millersville, PA (USA)
Post-disaster social work interventions typically include services that are crisis oriented and focus on basic needs such as access to food, shelter, clothing, emotional support, and connecting folks with necessary resources. Sadly, there is an increased need for communities and society to respond expeditiously, proficiently, and adaptively to natural and human-made disasters. These events can lead to devastating human, economic, community, and environmental effects, and beyond. This session will explore the topic utilizing case studies from recent voluntary disaster deployments. From a social justice, strengths and opportunities perspective, the presenter will summarize key themes associated with recovery and resiliency, opportunities for collaboration (before, during and after disasters), and the implications for future community engagement.

7 Friday, 1:00PM - 1:30PM ET

Utilizing a Closed Cohort MSW Experience to Understand Mutual Aid
Donna Wampole, University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME (USA)
Kerstin Kirchner, University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME (USA)
Dariya Polyakova, University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME (USA)

Closed cohort models of education involve one fixed body of students and provide an educational opportunity to experience the evolution of the dynamics of mutual aid. In a piloted assignment with an initial low residency MSW cohort, students explored their understanding of these nine dynamics from their perspectives as members of a closed cohort group. This presentation will outline the experience and provides a call to action in group work education for such innovative exercises.

8 Friday, 1:00PM - 1:30PM ET

(FR>EN>ES) Combiner le travail social de groupe, l’aide mutuelle et l’empowerment en contexte interculturel : une intervention auprès des mères demandeuses d’asile en situation de monoparentalité
Aneysi Rodriguez, Centre Intégré de Santé et de Services Sociaux de Laval, Laval, QC (Canada)
Cette présentation exposera une démarche de travail social de groupe avec des mères demandeuses d’asile en situation de monoparentalité. Les manifestations d’aide mutuelle ainsi que l’empowerment résultantes seront mises en évidence. Une réflexion critique sur les particularités et les défis associés à une intervention en contexte interculturel avec des groupes de femmes immigrantes sera amorcée. Une discussion et un échange suivra avec les participants.

Friday, 1:00PM - 1:30PM ET
(ES>EN) Arteterapia y Trabajo Social: Experiencia con un grupo de niños y niñas en Puerto Rico
Nancy Viana, Universidad de Puerto Rico, San Juan (Puerto Rico)
El Proyecto EmociónArte cuenta con un enfoque de arteterapia y se llevó a cabo con estudiantes de una escuela elemental de Puerto Rico. En esta presentación vamos a compartir como fue el desarrollo e implementación del mismo, con énfasis en la experiencia de la facilitadora. Para esto compartirá algunas de las actividades realizadas, retos, logros y recomendaciones para profesionales interesados en desarrollar este tipo de proyectos en el futuro.


Session 9 // 60-minute Presentations - Friday, 1:45pm to 2:45pm ET 

1 Friday, 1:45PM - 2:45PM ET

Application of Motivational Interviewing to Group: Teaching Advance Care Planning via Group Visits to Clinical Professionals CE-eligible Presentation
Monica Matthieu, Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, North Little Rock, AR (USA)
Laura Taylor, Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, North Little Rock, AR (USA)
Ciara Oliver, Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, North Little Rock, AR (USA)
David Adkins, Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, North Little Rock, AR (USA)

Jane Ann McCullough, Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, North Little Rock, AR (USA)
Kimberly Garner, Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, North Little Rock, AR (USA)
This session will provide an overview of an innovative patient-centered intervention developed and used in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs national health care system, advance care planning via group visits (ACP-GV), to reach veterans in medically underserved rural areas. Video, lecture, and rehearsal will be used to apply group facilitation and motivational interviewing skills to conduct the group sessions and in using behavioral observation methods for promoting adherence and fidelity to ACP-GV.

2 Friday, 1:45PM - 2:45PM ET

Environmentalism: Social Work's Role in Practice and Policy CE-eligible Presentation
Carolyn Tice, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Woodbury Heights, NJ (USA)
The contemporary world presents social workers with global challenges. From difficulties associated with the violation of human rights to the need for social justice and citizen participation, there is increasing pressure for the social work profession to expand its scope of policy and practice. Culturally relevant interventions and theoretical perspectives are needed that address natural, human-influenced, and global environmentalism often associated with issues related to exploitation, pollution and climate change. Social workers are positioned to engage in international partnerships committed to environmentalism to facilitate a sustainable connection between nature’s life forces and people. This presentation provides national and international perspectives on responses to environmental issues that are most likely to impact vulnerable populations and their communities.

3 Friday, 1:45PM - 2:45PM ET

Supervising Group Workers: A Discussion on Growing a Group Supervision Practice CE-eligible Presentation
Anne Leavens, Peterborough Youth Services, Peterborough, ON (Canada)
Adina Muskat, Community Counselling Resource Centre, Peterborough, ON (Canada)

Supervision is a vital part of ethical and informed practice in social work and other helping professions. There appears to be a significant need and equally significant gap in the provision of supervision for group workers. This interactive discussion will explore the need, steps and considerations in beginning a supervision practice for group workers with the hope to create a network and community of practice for group work supervisors.

4 Friday, 1:45PM - 2:45PM ET

Is Doing It Right Doing What's Right? CE-eligible Presentation
Mark Cameron, Southern Connecticut University, New Haven, CT (USA)
Kathy Pjura, Southern Connecticut University, New Haven, CT (USA)

While practice evaluation is essential to effective group practice, there is little known about how social work group facilitators evaluate their work. There are many obstacles hindering group practice evaluation, including the complexity of groups, lack of training, and psychological barriers. This presentation will discuss a study of MSW group practice students who struggled to engage in practice evaluation due to what appear as psychological instincts to be system protective and to avoid system criticism.

5 Friday, 1:45PM - 2:45PM ET

Utilizing Group Work Methodology to Discuss Issues of Diversity and Inclusion CE-eligible Presentation
Karla Herrera, Clinical Social Worker, Brooklyn, NY (USA)
Group workers often describe and discuss the ways in which group work theory continues to be undervalued and underrepresented. In this presentation attendees will learn about a group worker’s journey to introduce and practice group work theory to discuss issues of diversity and inclusion as it pertains to practice issues.

6 Friday, 1:45PM - 2:45PM ET

African-Centered, Justice-Impacted Group Work: The Intersection of Ethical Conduct with Multi-Disciplinary Professionals CE-eligible Presentation
Jataun Rollins, 1863FWD, Chicago, IL (USA)
Destini Valle, 1863FWD, Chicago, IL (USA)

1863FWD is a part of justice impacted group work that is catered to the various needs of participants. It is accomplished in collaboration with several service providers. However, with larger working groups and networks, there is a higher chance of miscommunication. We will explore the intersectionality of social work in relation to other disciplines’ work practices and engagement.

7 Friday, 1:45PM - 2:45PM ET

(EN>ES>FR) The IASWG SPARC Program: Supporting and Celebrating IASWG Members’ Projects to Advance Group Work Practice, Education and Research CE-eligible Presentation
Carol S. Cohen, Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City, NY (USA)
Brian Kelly, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Hélène Onserud, Group Work Practitioner, Brooklyn, NY (USA)
Maria Gurrola, California State University Monterey Bay, Seaside, CA (USA)
Jennifer Currin-McCulloch, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO (USA)
Tee R. Tyler, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX (USA)
Jennie Ann Cole, East Carolina University, Raleigh, NC (USA)
Erum Agha, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC (USA)
Shirley Simon, Loyola University, Chicago, IL (USA)
Teresa Kilbane, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Nancy Viana, Universidad de Puerto Rico, San Juan (Puerto Rico)
The IASWG launched the SPARC Program to "spark" members' innovative projects through endorsement and grants. Join the IASWG SPARC Program Committee and SPARC Awardees for information and discussion of the application process, successes and challenges. Come learn about applying and be part of the second IASWG SPARC decade!

8 Friday, 1:45PM - 2:45PM ET
An Experiment in Rebuilding an IASWG Chapter CE-eligible Presentation
Ann Bergart, IASWG Midwest Chapter, Chicago, IL (USA)
Mary Frances (Mitzi) Beno, IASWG Midwest Chapter, Green Bay, WI (USA)
Alison Johnson, IASWG Midwest Chapter, Louisville, KY (USA)
Kay Levin, IASWG Midwest Chapter, Chicago, IL (USA)
With the availability of Zoom and other virtual platforms, chapters of IASWG are trying to figure out how to use of this technology to create local connections among members. IASWG has organized vibrant annual symposia, but offering members opportunities to meaningfully connect between symposia is still a work in progress. This presentation describes the rebuilding of one chapter by reaching out to its members and beyond for help in organizing a virtual mutual aid group.


Session 10 // Invitational Workshops - Friday, 3:00pm to 4:30pm ET 

2 Friday, 3:00PM - 4:30PM ET

Student-Faculty Dialogue: Groupwork in Higher Education (TRAINING TRACK) CE-eligible Presentation
Tee R. Tyler, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX (USA)
This presentation introduces the student-faculty dialogue program, a program that brings university students and faculty members together to explore and understand each other’s perspectives about on-campus experiences. This dialogue program is part of an ongoing study to evaluate the effectiveness and benefits of a mutual aid group designed to enhance university campus culture. The presenter will review study findings with quotations from students and faculty members about what they learned from each other.

3 Friday, 3:00PM - 4:30PM ET

Measuring Cortisol: Promoting Mutual Aid Group Environments while Engaged in Scientific Research CE-eligible Presentation
Carrie McManus, Sagesse, Calgary, AB (Canada)
Amy Munroe, Sagesse, Calgary, AB (Canada)
Sarah MacDonald, Sagesse, Calgary, AB (Canada)
This presentation will explore the research mechanisms and process engaged in by Sagesse, a community-based organization to measure changes in cortisol levels within participants in mutual aid groups. Drawing off our experience working alongside an innovative, community focused researcher, we will explore the values of engaging in research projects within our peer support environment and the mechanisms utilized to engage both our peer facilitators and our clients within the process of design, implementation, and outcomes.

4 Friday, 3:00PM - 4:30PM ET
(ES>EN>FR) Trabajo social y justicia ambiental: Experiencia de una trabajadora social en la búsqueda de fomentar el bienestar social en Puerto Rico CE-eligible Presentation
Glennys Pérez, Universidad de Puerto Rico - Recinto Río Piedras, Canovanas (Puerto Rico)
Nancy Viana, Universidad de Puerto Rico, San Juan (Puerto Rico)

Mediante el trabajo social con grupos, se puede fomentar la autogestión comunitaria para generar cambios en las comunidades y fomentar que logren estar unidas y organizadas. Esta presentación forma parte de la experiencia de una trabajadora social en la implementación de la estrategia del trabajo con grupos en el Campamento Pelícano en Aguadilla, Puerto Rico en defensa de la protección ambiental.


Saturday June 10, 2023

Session 11 // Invitational Workshops - Saturday, 8:00am to 9:30am ET 

1 Saturday, 8:00AM - 9:30AM ET

Professional Learning Groups for Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Practicum Education CE-eligible Presentation
April Parker, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC (USA)
Michele Patak-Pietrafesa, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC (USA)

This workshop shares a new model of professional learning that aims to bridge the knowledge and skills gap between social work students of today and the professionals in practicum settings who train them. This new model of professional development, called the Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Professional Learning Community, seeks to brings social work faculty and practicum instructors together as peers in experiential learning aimed at moving past surface level social work jargon and engaging in critically reflexive dialogue that stands to disrupt the status quo.

2 Saturday, 8:00AM - 9:30AM ET

(FR>ES>EN) Co-construction d’une pratique centrée sur l’aide mutuelle avec des groupes ouverts : partage de nos savoirs d’expérience CE-eligible Presentation
Eric Gascon, Université du Québec à Montréal, Québec, QC (Canada)
Ginette Berteau, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, QC (Canada)
Jean-Martin Deslauriers, Université d’Ottawa, Ottawa, ON (Canada)
Geneviève Hurtubise, CIUSS Centre-Sud-de-l'Île-de-Montréal, Terrebonne, QC (Canada)
Sara Todd, La maison bleue, CIUSSS Centre-Ouest de l'île de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada

Cet atelier permettra aux participants de contribuer à la co-construction d’un guide de pratique centré sur l’aide mutuelle dans les groupes ouverts. La démarche de développement de ce guide sera présentée et les découvertes faites à ce jour seront partagées. Puis, les participants seront consultés sur leurs perceptions des enjeux spécifiques et des habiletés qu’ils jugent importantes pour tirer profit des occasions d’aide mutuelle offertes dans les groupes ouverts. 

3 Saturday, 8:00AM - 9:30AM ET

Sports and Group Work for Social Change CE-eligible Presentation
Lorrie Greenhouse Gardella, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT (USA)
Benjamin Joseph, Western Sydney University, Liverpool, NSW (Australia)
Neil Hall, Western Sydney University, Rydalmere, NSW (Australia)
Promita Majumdar, Visva Bharati University, Shantiniketan, West Bengal (India)

Youth throughout the world participate in team sports, and group workers are rediscovering the potential of interprofessional, community-based youth development programs that combine sports and group work.  Athletic training and weekly group work sessions build resilience, confidence, and social awareness through socio-emotional learning, intergenerational mentoring, and mutual aid. Case studies from Australia and India illustrate how sports and group work programs are empowering youth and communities to prevent gender-based violence and promote social change.

4 Saturday, 8:00AM - 9:30AM ET
Performance Based Practice: Blending the Art of Acting and Group Therapeutic Methods with Young People who have Experienced Child Welfare Involvement | CE-eligible Presentation
Melody Centeno, Founder and CEO of Foster Care Unplugged, New York, New York (USA)
Felicia R. Wilson, HSS, Customized Parenting, Coaching, and Consulting, New York, New York (USA)
This session features the practice paradigm, Mitigating Trauma through Drama: Developing Positive Pathways for Lives Through Expressive Arts. To set the stage, a short film "Where We From" is shown, drawing inspiration from the lived experiences of youth participants in the 12-week group model. By utilizing drama-based techniques, our program creates space for participants to break their silence, star in the film, and explore their psychological and emotional expressions through acting, storytelling, and script writing, thus unleashing strengths in overcoming challenges. At the same time, it intentionally contributes to broader social awareness to drive positive changes in child welfare policy.


Session 12 // 60-minute Presentations - Saturday, 9:45am to 10:45am ET

1 Saturday, 9:45AM - 10:45AM ET

Is my group having its intended results? An Evaluative-Research Approach (RESEARCH TRACK) CE-eligible Presentation
Kristina Lind, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC (USA)
Teresa Kilbane, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)

This interactive session aims to utilize a case study approach to help attendees learn the steps required in evaluating specific aspects of their group. The bottom-line question becomes, ‘is this group intervention having its intended results”? This workshop will explore the steps involved in evaluative research, which includes framing the problem, collecting the data, analyzing the data, and interpreting its results. Attendees are asked to bring examples from their own group practice to problem-solve.

2 Saturday, 9:45AM - 10:45AM ET

(EN>ES) Journey Through Words: A Narrative Therapy and Narrative Medicine Creative Writing Group for People Affected by Cancer CE-eligible Presentation
Laura Béres, King's University College, London, ON (Canada)
Leah Getchell, King's University College, London, ON (Canada)
Tracey Jones, Wellspring London - Cancer Support Centre, London, ON (Canada)
Amandi Perera, Western University, London, ON (Canada)
In this session, participants will learn about the Journey through Words (JTW) creative writing group, which has been developed based upon the theory and practice of narrative therapy and narrative medicine. They will engage with one of the creative writing prompts included in the JTW manual, and experience the JTW process of discussing what arises through the writing. The JTW manual will be made available online.

3 Saturday, 9:45AM - 10:45AM ET

Leading Interprofessional Task Groups to Advance Institutional or Structural Change CE-eligible Presentation
Padraic Stanley, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL (USA)
This presentation will discuss how social workers can lead interprofessional task groups to promote institutional and structural change, breaking down silos necessary to create large scale change in quality and ethics. The presenter will share his experience establishing an interprofessional task group to advance immigrant health at a large healthcare institution, providing a guide for others to form similar task groups. Social work skills for recruitment, retention, collaborative goal setting, and meetings will be discussed. 

4 Saturday, 9:45AM - 10:45AM ET

Anti-Racist Social Work Practices: Holistic Academic Advising for Undergraduate Students of Color at a Predominantly White Public Institution in South Central Pennsylvania, USA CE-eligible Presentation
Samuel R. Benbow, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA (USA)
Dorlisa J. Minnick, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA (USA)

The academic advising relationship requires an intentional, long-term developmental process over an extended period when possible. In this interactive workshop, participants learn anti-racist practices by applying the Focused-Five Essential Academic Advising Activities model, social work core values, and ethical standards necessary for the holistic advising of undergraduate students of color.

5 Saturday, 9:45AM - 10:45AM ET
(EN>FR>ES) Let's Create Groups to Address the Environmental and Climate Justice Crises CE-eligible Presentation
Hélène Onserud, Group Work Practitioner, Brooklyn, NY (USA)
Group members/co-presenters include: Karen Benson, Sofiat Busari-Akinbode, Namoonga Chilwalo, Georgianna Dolan-Rilley, Karla Herrera, Núria Prat, Joyce Robertson-Steele, Andrew Spaumer, and Michelle Willoughby.
This presentation will explore ways in which group workers can play an important role in relation to the environmental/climate justice crises. Participants will hear about a group experience including social workers whose purpose is to promote the environmental/climate justice crises within the social work profession. They will also get to explore how they can themselves create a group, or include those topics as well as the need to take action in already existing groups.


Session 13 // 30-minute Presentations - Saturday, 11:00am to 11:30am ET 

1 Saturday, 11:00AM - 11:30AM ET

(FR>EN) Points de vue d'hommes ayant vécu des abus sexuels durant leur enfance sur leur expérience de groupe
Jean-Martin Deslauriers, Université d’Ottawa, Ottawa, ON (Canada)
Mathilde Charest-Trudel, Université d’Ottawa, Ottawa, ON (Canada)

Les hommes dévoilent les abus sexuels vécus alors qu'ils étaient enfants et ont très peu recours à des services d'aide à ce sujet. Dix hommes ayant eu recours à des services spécialisés en victimisation sexuelle ont été interrogés sur leurs perceptions de l'aide reçue. Il en émerge un très haut niveau d'appréciation par rapport à l'expérience de groupe qu'ils ont vécue et les retombées qu'elle a générées.

2 Saturday, 11:00AM - 11:30AM ET

(EN>ES) Group Work with Linguistically Diverse Groups: Guidelines for Working with Interpreters
Erum Agha, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC (USA)
More than 26% of the U.S. population or 84.8 million individuals are immigrants. A significant number of these individuals come from non-English speaking countries and have low or no English language skills. Many immigrants can benefit from social support and mental health groups but are prevented from participating due to their low English comprehension. Facilitating groups with the help of interpreters presents some challenges but allows for inclusive and equitable services for the linguistically diverse groups. Guidelines for working with interpreters in virtual and in-person group settings are discussed in this presentation.

3 Saturday, 11:00AM - 11:30AM ET

IMAGINE: Addressing Internet Safety for Adults with Developmental Delays in a Small Group Workshop
Calliope Makris, Long Island University Post, Brookville, NY (USA)
Elissa Giffords, Long Island University Post, Brookville, NY (USA)

This presentation describes workshops that addressed internet safety for adults with developmental delays. This initiative was in partial fulfillment of an MSW practice class to identify an unmet community need at their field placement and design a feasible intervention. Presenters share information about the challenges faced by this population (e.g., internet literacy and client vulnerability), review the intervention model used to plan and implement the intervention, examine feedback from participants, and hear presenters’ reflections.

4 Saturday, 11:00AM - 11:30AM ET

(EN>ES) Addressing People's Behaviors Against Industrial Pollution: Environmental Perspectives for Social Justice
Mamadou M. Seck, Cleveland State University, South Euclid, OH (USA)
The U.S. Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) advocates for social workers’ knowledge of human behavior in the social environment recommending advanced generalist competencies in community development enabling social workers to collaborate with communities setting up programs such as environmental protection programs. This researcher collected secondary data and interviewed community leaders on the effects of the pollution that factories and businesses generate, endangering residents’ lives. Then, applying Smale et al.’s (1988) paradigm for change, he suggested a model of community intervention.

5 Saturday, 11:00AM - 11:30AM ET
(EN>ES) A Co-designed Project for Supporting Social Workers Using Group Work in School Settings in Australia
Neil Hall, Western Sydney University, Rydalmere, NSW (Australia)
Lynne Wainwright, Catholics Schools Parramatta Diocese, Parramatta, NSW (Australia)
Cheyenne Eccleston, Western Sydney University, Rydalmere, NSW (Australia)

This presentation will outline and discuss a collaborative project by group work academics and social group work practitioners in non-government school settings to support practice through the use of a group work practice clinic, worker training, the inclusion of student field placements and formal and informal research opportunities.


(EN>ES>FR) The Joan K. Parry Memorial Plenary - Saturday, 11:45am to 12:45pm ET

(EN>ES>FR) Applying the New IASWG Standards with Online Considerations: It’s time for Practice! CE-eligible Presentation

Mark Macgowan, Florida International University, Miami, FL (USA)
Andrés Arias Astray, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, (Spain)
Hilda Baar, IASWG German Chapter, Steenbergen, North Brabant (Netherlands)
Samuel R. Benbow, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA (USA)
Catalina Cañizares, Florida International University, Miami, FL (USA)
Lorrie Greenhouse Gardella, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT (USA)
Charles Garvin, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (USA)
Será Godfrey-Kaplan, IASWG MA Chapter, West Newton, MA (USA)
Barbara Muskat, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON (Canada)
Reineth Prinsloo, University of Pretoria, Pretoria (South Africa)
Mamadou Seck, Cleveland State University, South Euclid, OH (USA)
Shirley R. Simon, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Mark Smith, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL (USA)
Greg Tully, West Chester University, West Chester, PA (USA)

Online Considerations are now a part of the IASWG Standards for Social Work Practice with Groups. This interactive presentation introduces the new Online Considerations and focuses on developing helpful practice tips. Participants will leave the session learning about online considerations and applications in practice.

(EN>ES>FR) Closing Gathering - Saturday, 12:45pm to 1:00pm ET