Program Schedule
Sessions will take place in Eastern Daylight Time (ET). For a time zone converter, please visit worldtimebuddy.com.
Tuesday, June 14, 2022 - Pre-Symposium Institutes
- 9:30am to 12:30pm ET – Field Instructor's Workshop with Ronnie Glassman
- 10:00am to 12:00pm ET – Virtual Group Work: Fostering Meaningful Connections Online with Jennifer Clements
- 1:30pm to 4:30pm ET – Turning Points in Group Life with Alex Gitterman
Wednesday, June 15, 2022 - Pre-Symposium Institutes
- 9:30am to 4:30pm ET – Integrating Science & Art in Group Work Practice for Mutual Aid Support Groups with Larry Shulman
- 11:00am to 2:00pm ET – Strategies for Evaluating Your Group Work Practice with Terri Kilbane, Barbara Muskat, and Padraic Stanley
Thursday, June 16, 2022 - Symposium Day 1
- 8:00am to 8:45am ET – Member Meet & Greet Room
- 9:00am to 9:30am ET – Welcome & Opening Gathering
- 9:30am to 10:30am ET – The Sumner Gill Memorial Plenary - (EN-FR-SP-GER) How Social Groupwork can Promote Social Solidarity in Times of Peace and War: Examples from Ukraine, Latvia, Poland and Lithuania
- 10:45am to 11:15am ET – 30-minute Presentations (Session 1)
- 11:30am to 12:00pm ET – 30-minute Presentation (Session 2)
- 12:15pm to 1:30pm ET – Poster Presentations
- 1:45pm to 2:45pm ET – 60-minute Presentations (Session 3)
- 2:45pm to 3:30pm ET – Member Meet & Greet Room
- 3:00pm to 4:00pm ET – 60-minute Presentations (Session 4)
- 4:15pm to 5:30pm ET – Member Meet & Greet Room
- 4:15pm to 5:30pm ET – Select Chapter Meetings: Francophone, Illinois, Ontario, & Western US States
Friday, June 17, 2022 - Symposium Day 2
- 7:30am to 8:15am ET – Member Meet & Greet Room
- 7:30am to 8:15am ET – Select Chapter Meetings: Francophone
- 8:30am to 9:20am ET – Discussion: How Social Groupwork Can Promote Social Solidarity in Times of Peace and War
- 9:30am to 10:30am ET – 60-minute Presentations (Session 5)
- 10:45am to 11:15am ET – 30-minute Presentations (Session 6)
- 11:30am to 11:45am ET – IASWG Honoree Recognition - Carol Cohen
- 11:45am to 12:45pm ET – The Beulah H. Rothman Plenary - (SP-EN-FR-GER) Trabajo Social con Grupos en Argentina y España: Pasado, Presente y Futuro
- 1:00pm to 1:30pm ET – 30-minute Presentations (Session 7)
- 1:45pm to 2:45pm ET – 60-minute Presentations (Session 8)
- 2:45pm to 3:30pm ET – Member Meet & Greet Room
- 3:00pm to 4:30pm ET – Invitational Workshops (Session 9)
- 4:45pm to 6:00pm ET – IASWG Talent Show - Part 1 of IASWG's Got Talent
- 6:00pm to 6:45pm ET – Sip & Chat While Exploring Leadership Roles in IASWG
Saturday, June 18, 2022 - Symposium Day 3
- 8:00am to 9:20am ET – IASWG Talent Show - Part 2 of IASWG's Got Talent
- 9:30am to 10:30am – 60-minute Presentations (Session 10)
- 10:45am to 12:15pm ET – Invitational Workshops (Session 11)
- 12:30pm to 1:00pm ET – 30-minute Presentations (Session 12)
- 1:15pm to 2:15pm ET – 60-minute Presentations (Session 13)
- 2:30pm to 3:30pm ET – The Joan K. Parry Memorial Plenary - (EN-FR-SP-GER) Des mecanismes de l’exclusion sociale au groupe comme moyen de construction d’une citoyennete sociale africaine
- 3:30pm to 4:00pm ET – Closing Gathering
Quick Links
Join us for the Virtual Symposium (June 16 - 18th, 2022)
We are saddened to inform you that we have decided to cancel the in-person IASWG Symposium that was to take place at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania, June 16-18, 2022. In thoughtful dialogue with the Board of Directors and the Lithuanian Chapter, we acknowledge the concerns many of you have expressed about global travel today amid the pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine War as well as the impact on the climate. We also recognize that some members of our community have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic, which affects their ability to attend in-person. This was a difficult decision. We are very thankful to the Lithuanian Chapter for their gracious offer to host the symposium and understanding that it could not be a reality this year. As we plan this year's virtual symposium on the same dates, June 16-18, 2022, we are seeking to make the experience accessible, interactive, and allows for people from around the world to gather and learn together. We look forward to sharing more details in the upcoming months and encourage you to register soon.
Jeudi prochain, le 16 juin, assistez à notre séance plénière d’ouverture !
Elle aura lieu à 9 h 30 HNE sur Zoom ! Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant ! Le travail social en groupe : son rôle dans la promotion de la solidarité sociale en temps de paix et de guerre !
Une table ronde à propos et formatrice, sur Zoom, avec des conférencières d’Ukraine, de Pologne, de Lituanie et de Lettonie.
- UKRAINE : Université nationale Académie Mohyla de Kiev, OKSANA BOYKO, directrice de l’École de travail social. Grande défenseure du travail social, elle se concentre sur les projets internationaux qui touchent à la santé mentale, au soutien psychosocial, à la gestion communautaire des crises et au travail social international. Elle a dernièrement discuté sur son podcast international des victimes des atrocités de la guerre génocidaire (dont les femmes, les enfants et les personnes âgées) ainsi que de l’impact à la fois régional et global de la guerre en Ukraine, appelant à l’action toutes les personnes pratiquant le travail social à travers le monde.
- POLOGNE : Université de Varmie et Mazurie, EWA KANTOWICZ, professeure, présidente de l’Association polonaise d’écoles de travail social. Elle entreprend des projets internationaux qui touchent à la garde des enfants, aux facteurs de risque familiaux et aux aspects sociaux de l’inclusion, de l’activation et de l’intégration sociale.
- LITUANIE : Université Vytautas-Magnus, TERESE NIJOLE LIOBIKIENE, professeure agrégée, chirurgienne médicale et professeure d’université chevronnée en travail social et en sociologie. Elle est également animatrice en travail social de groupe dans le Centre de la famille de la Lettonie.
- LETTONIE : Association nationale de l’organisations pour la supervision en Europe, INESE STANKUS-VISA, vice-présidente, superviseure et formatrice de M.S.S. et travailleuse sociale de groupe en Lettonie depuis 15 ans. De plus, à partir de cette conférence, il y aura discussion le vendredi matin 17 juin, de h30 à 9h20 sur la question suivante : Comment le travail social de groupe peut promouvoir la solidarité sociale en temps de paix et de guerre ? Inscrivez-vous et rejoignez nos modérateurs de séance, Mark Doel et Jorūnė Vyšniauskytė :
Registration rates include access to live presentations and recordings from Thursday, June 16 through Saturday, June 18, 2022. There is an additional fee to attend Pre-Symposium Institutes held on Tuesday, June 14th and Wednesday, June 15th.
2022 Full Symposium Rates |
Zone 5 |
Zone 4 |
Zone 3 |
Zone 2 |
Zone 1 |
Professional IASWG Member |
$150 |
$143 |
$75 |
$30 |
$15 |
Retired IASWG Member |
$100 |
$95 |
$50 |
$20 |
$10 |
Unemployed IASWG Member |
$40 |
$38 |
$20 |
$8 |
$3 |
Student IASWG Member |
$40 |
$38 |
$20 |
$8 |
$3 |
Non-Member |
$325 |
$310 |
$160 |
$65 |
$25 |
2022 One Day Rates |
Zone 5 |
Zone 4 |
Zone 3 |
Zone 2 |
Zone 1 |
Professional IASWG Member |
$100 |
$95 |
$50 |
$20 |
$7 |
Retired IASWG Member |
$75 |
$70 |
$37 |
$15 |
$5 |
Unemployed IASWG Member |
$25 |
$24 |
$13 |
$5 |
$2 |
Student IASWG Member |
$25 |
$24 |
$13 |
$5 |
$2 |
Non-Member |
$175 |
$160 |
$85 |
$35 |
$12 |
Registration Rates by Zone - The International Association for Social Work with Groups (IASWG) stands for diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. Our symposium participation is truly international with presenters and attendees from all around the world. We make efforts to be inclusive through a diversified membership and symposium registration fee structures that reflects the financial realities in the world. For that reason, a model was developed, using the classification system based on the world bank data and EU classifications, according to the 2020 Gross Domestic Product (GDP, US$ in Trillions) per capita and divided into five zones.

Student Volunteers
Student volunteers are the heart, hands, and soul of the IASWG symposium. IASWG will select around 50 student volunteers to perform tasks related to session oversight, zoom tech support, and translation services. In exchange for your time and effort, volunteer's symposium registration fee will be waived.
Requirements: In order to be considered for a volunteer assignment, applicants MUST:
- Be enrolled in a Community Services, BSW or MSW program or be a Community Services, BSW or MSW recent grad who graduated in either December 2021 or May 2022
- Be a current IASWG student member (can join once your volunteer status as been confirmed)
- Be willing to be an active and engaged volunteer for at least 2 half-day volunteer shifts
- Attend a volunteer orientation session before the symposium
Application: Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Volunteer selection will be confirmed by email no later than February 28, 2022. Positions are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Selection: Please note, you must be a member of IASWG to be able to serve as a volunteer for the symposium. Once you are notified about your volunteer application status, we request that you join as a student member and register for the symposium as a volunteer before May 1st
If you have any questions, please contact Emily, the Volunteer Coordinator, via email at [email protected], who is the primary point of contact before and during the symposium.
2022 Symposium Theme
From Social Separation to Social Solidarity: It’s Time for Group Work!
Social divisions and isolation have been intensified by the global pandemic. It is clear that at a time of physical social distancing, groups have been critical vehicles for social connection and justice. Covid-19 has highlighted world-wide challenges of exclusion and inequality among people and communities, amidst unequal access to resources and services, human rights violations, and social tensions. Now is the time to expand opportunities for people from across social divides to experience the power of solidarity.
The IASWG believes in social group work's practical and powerful ways to bring people together – in small or large groups – to make a difference for individuals, communities and the wider society. Join us virtually from 16-18 June 2022 to share your knowledge, innovations, research and experiences, and to feel our own sense of solidarity. Let us grow together through group work!
De la division sociale à la solidarité sociale : c‘est le temps du travail de groupe!
Les fractures sociales et l‘isolement ont été intensifiées par la pandémie mondiale. Il est clair que dans une période de distanciation sociale et physique, les groupes ont été d‘importants véhicules du lien social et de justice. La COVID-19 a accentué les problématiques planétaires, tels l‘exclusion et l‘iniquité parmi la population et les communautés, l‘accès inégal aux ressources et aux services, les tensions sociales et les violations des droits humains. Le moment est venu de multiplier les occasions pour les personnes de tout horizon de faire l'expérience du pouvoir de la solidarité.
L‘IASWG croit que le travail social de groupe possède des manières concrètes et puissantes, en petits ou grands groupe, pour rapprocher les gens et faire une différence pour les individus et les communautés, voire même pour la société en général. Rejoignez-nous virtuellement du 16 au 18 juin 2022 pour partager vos connaissances, innovations, recherches et expériences, et pour éprouver notre sens de la solidarité. Grandissons ensemble grâce au travail social de groupe!
De la separación social a la solidaridad social: Es el momento del trabajo social
Las divisiones sociales y el aislamiento se han visto intensificados por la pandemia mundial. En un momento de distanciamiento social físico, los grupos han sido vehículos fundamentales para la conexión social y la justicia. Covid-19 ha puesto de manifiesto los problemas mundiales de exclusión y desigualdad entre las personas y las comunidades, la desigualdad de acceso a los recursos y servicios, las violaciones de los derechos humanos y las tensiones sociales. Ahora es el momento de ampliar las oportunidades para que las personas, más allá de las divisiones sociales, experimenten el poder de la solidaridad.
El IASWG cree en las formas prácticas y poderosas del trabajo de grupo social para reunir a la gente - en grupos pequeños o grandes -, para marcar la diferencia para los individuos, las comunidades y la sociedad en general. Únase a nosotros virtualmente en del 16 al 18 de junio de 2022 para compartir tus conocimientos, innovaciones, investigaciones y experiencias, y para sentir nuestro propio sentido de la solidaridad. ¡Crezcamos juntas a través del trabajo en grupo!"
Von der sozialen Separation zur sozialen Solidarität: Es ist Zeit für Gruppenarbeit!
Soziale Spaltung und Isolation wurden durch die globale Pandemie noch verstärkt. Es liegt auf der Hand, dass in einer Zeit physischer sozialer Distanzierung Gruppen ein wichtiges Instrument für soziale Verbindungen und Gerechtigkeit sind. Covid-19 hat die weltweiten Herausforderungen der Ausgrenzung und Ungleichheit zwischen Menschen und Gemeinschaften inmitten von ungleichem Zugang zu Ressourcen und Dienstleistungen, Menschenrechtsverletzungen und sozialen Spannungen deutlich gemacht. Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, die Möglichkeiten für Menschen über soziale Unterschiede hinweg zu erweitern, um die Kraft der Solidarität zu erfahren.
Die IASWG glaubt an die praktischen und wirkungsvollen Möglichkeiten der sozialen Gruppenarbeit, Menschen in kleinen oder großen Gruppen zusammenzubringen, um für den Einzelnen, die Gemeinschaft und die Gesellschaft insgesamt etwas zu bewirken. Schließen Sie sich uns vom 16. bis 18. Juni 2022 virtuell an, um Ihr Wissen, Ihre Innovationen, Ihre Forschung und Ihre Erfahrungen zu teilen und unser eigenes Gefühl der Solidarität zu spüren. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam durch Gruppenarbeit wachsen!
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